33. To obtain a wildlife rehabilitation centre licence, the applicant must, at the time of the written application to the Minister,(1) provide his or her name and address; in the case of a legal person, its firm name and the address of its head office; in the case of a partnership, its name and the address of its main place of business; in the case of a natural person doing business under another name, that name, the person’s name and address and the address of the main place of business;
(2) specify the proposed location of the rehabilitation centre;
(3) indicate the name and address of each person under the applicant’s supervision who keeps animals in captivity for rehabilitation purposes, and the locations where the animals will be kept;
(4) indicate the name of the veterinary surgeon with whom the applicant has signed a contract for services for the provision of the health care required by the animals kept for rehabilitation purposes, and provide a copy of the contract;
(5) provide the plans and specifications for the premises on which the animals will be kept;
(6) provide the list of the equipment to be used for veterinary care;
(7) indicate the procedure for disposing of dead animals; and
(8) indicate the name of the person responsible for the care of the animals.